Wind Resource Assessment:
This uses topographic and geographical components, and features to analyse the possible wind energy remnant in a particular area and as well as predict the possibility of active energy production.
Wind Power Class:
Just as the name implies, this term is use for checking the wind’s signal strength. It ranges from a scale of 0-7, it helps check the be quality of the wind in every given area in a wind farm. 0 indicates the weakest signal strength and 7 represents the strongest or the finest of it all.
Wind Vane:
This is a mechanical device that when fused to an elevated structure rotates to show and measure the wind direction.
Wind Monitoring System:
This generalizes various instruments use for measuring different wind parameters, such as it’s Speed, direction, temperature, height, et ce tera. The instrument include; the wind vane, anemometer, et ce tera.
Wind Farm Cluster Management:
This is the collection of the total number of existing wind farm, grading and categorising them in various order or hierarchy, in other to achieve good network management and production plan.
Wind Atlas Analysis And Application Program:
This is a system software with it’s primary function of predicting and checking wind climate and possible energy output from a farm.
Wind Farm :
This is an erected structure, with the sole aim of harnessing wind energy through wind turbines and supply electricity through substations to the electric grid and other receiving ends.